Monday, December 5, 2011

Dividing my efforts to 'just get by'

Is being a full time student, really being a full time student? Do I really have the time in my day to put in 3 addition hours of homework for every one hour that I'm in class? Take my day for example. I'm in class 26 hours a week. 26 class hours x 3 hours per class = 78 hours of time required in addition to class attendance to meet the requirements of the course. Now, take the course requirement time, a combine 104 hours weekly, and divide it over 6 days. We come out with just over 17 hours a day, leaving only 7 hours left in our day. What do full time students do with that 7 hours a day? They eat, sleep, spend a brief moment resting and then walk to and from class. They work upwards of 20 hours a week, or 4 hours a day, to help offset living costs. The single students try to oblige our religious and educational leaders and date often in hopes of finding a spouse. Those that are lucky enough to find a spouse have now become a mediator/negotiator between 'spousal time' and 'anything else time.'

24 hours is not nearly enough time in a day. If I were to have one Christmas wish come true this holiday season, it would be for an additional eight hours in each day.

I often wish that I had a little more whit in my writing... this is a pretty cool idea that could really come to life if I had the verbal skills to shape it. The thought came from connecting two things that Geoff had shared with the class. The first was when he had offered an A grade to those in his psychology class that went above and beyond. None of the students got an A that semester, because they were complacent with simply fulfilling the requirements of the course. Later Geoff said that kids will rise to the occasion. If you ask them to do 15 push ups, they will struggle to get 15. Take that same kid to do 25 push ups and he doesn't struggle until the last few. He was completely capable of doing the 25 push ups, but 'rose to the occasion' of 15. We do what is asked of us.

And now I'll try and tie everything together.

I only have 24 hours in each day. 10-14 of those hours are spent staying alive - eating, working, sleeping, etc. 6-8 more of those hours are spent attending class, leaving only a few hours available to do homework, pay the bills, run an errand or two, or spend some never enough time with my wife.

(Bringing it home...)

I would really like to be able to spend 30 hours designing my home for our Google SketchUp project. I would love to be able to compile an extremely extensive Teaching textbook. I would have loved to spend more time mastering the different Adobe tools. But there just isn't enough time! So we students 'Rise to the Occasion' and do the minimum required for the grade and then roll our time over to the next task.

Maybe in heaven, or Hogwarts, we'll be able to manipulate time and excel in all of our assignments.

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